Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away

The cloudy skies have corrupted my view of the San Juans, and have me feeling a little blue. But, Montrose, CO continues to offer great things, such as the local coffee shop, The Coffee Trader. I love to sit out on their porch, and use their wifi--even when it's raining.

Anyway, I've begun a car hunt, and I've got my eyes set on the Dodge Durango. Speaking of Durango, it's only a couple hour drive from Montrose, CO. I love going there for a few day break over the summer.

Does anyone have a Dodge Durango? I'm looking at a 2013 model. Thoughts?

Saturday, May 4, 2013


I was reading an article a couple of months ago which was featured in Montrose, CO's own Daily Press, and thought I would share some interesting tips it had!

First, the definition of xeriscaping. Kinsley writes, "The term xeriscape comes from the Greek term "xeros" meaning dry and is not 'zero-scaping' or the lack of landscaping. The term was coined in 1981 by the Denver Water Department, and use of the term has spread throughout most arid regions in the west."

Essentially, I think the balance of grass and stone makes an excellent statement, and if it saves money, I'm all for it!

I found these picture on the website, Waterwise--you can find it here. 

What do you think about xeriscaping? Does your future home make use of this concept? 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

2 Closings in a Week

Wow, I have been so busy! Montrose, CO is just booming! While parts of the state are getting snow, we are warm and sunny. Anyway, I just closed on two listings this week, and it's only Wednesday! I'm exhausted, but wanted to check in! Time for a nap, I think. :)