Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Symmetry, Stories and more!

Do you like symmetry? How about a good story? Well, you all know my passion for my job, especially since I've moved to The Real Estate store, which is downtown Montrose, but I have another deep seated passion. It's for quilts. 

I have been quilting since the early years of my life (which I refuse to reveal to you how long that has actually been). My children each have received at least one special quilt over their life, to commemorate special moments. My grandchildren (darnit, I am revealing more than I planned) each have a special quilt to illustrate their personalities. My husband has a special quilt to demonstrate some of his passions. And I, of course, have a good dozen or so of quilts. Some of them are older, passed down from generation to generation. Some are newer, to reflect some of my new favorite color schemes or pattern ideas. 

But my collection pales in comparison to the selection which will be on display at the Black Canyon Quilt Show. 

This beautiful quilt is this year's featured raffle quilt. 

Don't wait to check this show out, it will blow your mind with Montrose and surrounding area's amazing talent. The theme this year is "Traditional with a Twist." The show premiers at the Montrose Pavillion, and will start on July 11th through the 13th. Don't miss out on this annual event! Check out the Black Canyon Quilt Show's webpage for more information.

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